Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Technology Information Summit is Crucial for Government Tech Executives

The Technology Information Summit (TIS) focuses on the impact of Information Technology on government, and more specifically, how government can integrate technology into their planning and development to improve government operations and spur economic development.
We believe this comes down to integrating government goals with the right timeframes, technologies and vendors.
Government processes and decision-making are often slow, while technology moves very fast. Many government CIOs have ambitious technology agendas, backed by strong research and budgets, but are stymied in executing their agendas by long time horizons and the need to source solutions from multiple vendors with varying capabilities.
At TIS, we will talk about how government can overcome IT challenges.  We’ll be looking at 3 main areas:
1.     What current, upcoming or up-and-coming technologies should governments look at as they do long-term planning and seek commitments from stakeholders? What are the issues for government executives in approaching these technologies?
2.     What government best practices can we discover by looking at successful IT projects from all levels of government?
3.       How do we find the right mix of vendors to execute on our goals while adhering to best practices in allocation and budgeting?
Technology Innovation Summit 2012
TIS2012 is about the interplay of technology and government. TIS2012 is organised by Iyka Enterprises Inc. jointly with Illinois Institute of Technology. Come to TIS to get a feel for how municipalities are seeing the future and learn how governments can best integrate technology into their visions and planning. Register now to be part of this important discussion.

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